Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Friday Fun: Black Denim

Last week's Friday Fun started with a piece of black denim, which I went looking for and ended up ordered online.

Ordering online can be tricky - you never quite know what the quality of the item is going to be like, and then there's the issue of colour - no matter what you do, computer screens never show things as they are in the flesh. Or fibre, as it were.

But really. How far wrong can you go with black denim?

The piece I ordered was just right; good quality and a nice shade of black. , . It did have quite a bit of finish coating the right side, so I washed the whole piece before using it. Prewashing can also shrink the fabric which is a good thing - much better than finding out your brand new jeans are way too small after their first wash!

This denim is not stretch. I can tolerate stretch denim in small doses and will happily admit it has it's place in the fabric world, but I do prefer stable, non-stretch denim. It just lasts longer.

I've been making my own jeans for years now. I'm quite tall, so I really don't have another option. People are always amazed to learn that I make my own jeans, but they're really not that different to regular pants.

Denim is just thicker than fabric you'd normally use for pants, which means using a thicker needle on the sewing machine. Top-stitch thread gives a really professional finish and is easy to use, you just need to increase the tension. And of course, jeans usually use a different pattern, but there's nothing difficult about them.

 After making some minor adjustments to my pattern, I got to work. Pants and jeans seem to take ages to get started - it's all the preparation - sewing the pockets front & back, putting in the zip, interfacing the waistband, remembering to top-stitch before you go on to the next part.. Then, all of a sudden, you've sewn the side seams and they're almost done!

I went for a slim leg, quite fitted at the top, with a bit of a bootleg for comfort. I'm not a huge fan of super skinny jeans, but the slim leg is tidy. 

This particular pair have made themselves quite at home in my wardrobe, but I do have more denim if you'd like a pair of your own. Black isn't your colour? Denim is easy to come by. Send me a message via my Facebook page and we'll sort out the details.

Have you missed some of the Friday Fun series? Find the list of links at the bottom of this post.

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